What's going to happen to the bridge proposed to replace the Massey Tunnel?
Political uncertainty leaves proponents and critics of the project keeping a close eye on Victoria

As the future of the provincial government hangs in the balance, so too does the future of a proposed 10-lane bridge to replace the aging George Massey Tunnel.
The B.C. NDP and Green parties say they will join forces to bring down the minority Liberal government with a confidence vote that could happen as soon as June 29.
Ironworkers Local 97 Business Manager Doug Parton — whose local endorsed the B.C. Liberals in the election — says his members hope that doesn't happen.
"I'm definitely interested in how it all unfolds," Parton said.
"When you speak about politics, it's a selfish game and everyone has their own agendas. My job is to put my members to work."
Parton says 300 of his members in B.C. and another 200 in Alberta are depending on the project for employment, which is why he supported Liberal Leader Christy Clark.
The New Democrats and Greens both endorse the transportation plan laid out by the Metro Vancouver Mayors' Council, which does not include a new bridge.
To build or not to build?
The proposed bridge only got a brief mention in the Liberal throne speech earlier this week.
The party still supports a new crossing but now says it is "recognizing concerns" with the design.
The Clark government also wants to explore whether the span can be built in a way that accommodates rapid transit.
"I've been pushing that idea since we first started this," said Delta mayor Lois Jackson, who is the only mayor in Metro Vancouver who supports the project.
"My expectation always has been that at some point in time in the future we have a line that would extend from the Richmond-Brighouse Station, over the bridge and out through the valley. That would be a historic move that is needed in the future."
While Jackson and Parton would like to see the Liberals stay in power to ensure the bridge is built, critics are rooting for an NDP-Green coalition to take power and retain it long enough to put the project on hold.
One of those critics is Doug Massey, who is George Massey's son.
He says it's frustrating to watch all the politicking that's happening at the legislature.
"You can't really determine what's going on there until they determine who is going to run the province," he said.
"To me, the sooner they get that decision, the better. Let's get on with the running of the province."