The kindness of strangers: 2 women meet again in a pay-it-forward kind of story
Do you have a story about the kindness of strangers? Get in touch with The Early Edition

CBC Radio One's The Early Edition is asking listeners to share their stories of kindness from strangers for a series that runs on Thursday mornings.
A few weeks ago, CBC Radio One's The Early Edition shared Annemarie Kaan's story about the kindness of a flight attendant on an airplane. A listener, Brenda Johnson, heard the story and recognized her as the nurse who had been particularly kind to her family during a difficult time.
Dear Annemarie,
The day we met was memorable for both of us — for different reasons.
It was July 21, 2006.
I had been visiting with my niece at the hospital where you were the transplant co-ordinator.
That's the day you became a Canadian citizen and the day my niece died.
I remember you were just so energetic and kind and gracious. It was obvious that you'd been so kind to my young niece, who had recently had a heart transplant.
Yes, she was one of your patients and looking after her was part of your job but you really went out of your way to be kind.
One time, among other things, you went out and took the time to buy my niece a phone so that she could communicate with family members, like myself, who live out of the area.
The whole team was amazing with Nina, my niece, and with me that day — it was a tough day.
Today we ask Brenda what she remembers about Annemarie. What we didn't tell her was that Annemarie was listening in. <a href=""></a>
But you really stood out in particular to me. I'll never forget the Canadian flag tattoo on your arm and thinking "Oh, what a wonderful new Canadian."
I visited the hospital a few years ago, and as I walked the halls again, it brought back a flood of memories.
Not just of the professionalism but the intense warmth and grace and good humour of the team of people that worked with my niece.
The willingness of people, like you, to open their heart to be warm to me on such a tough day made such a difference.
Thank you.
Brenda Johnson
If you have a story about the kindness of strangers, email The Early Edition at