B.C. nurse still the strongest woman over 40 in the world
Jennifer Ferguson is a palliative care nurse, a mother of 2 — and she can deadlift a car

On most days Jennifer Ferguson is working as a palliative care nurse and looking after her two children in Prince George.
Other days she deadlifts a car and claims the title of world's strongest woman over age 40.
Ferguson has just added another championship to her string of wins, claiming the title of World's Strongest Woman (Masters Division) at the Official Strongman Games in Raleigh, North Carolina.
At 42 years old, Ferguson has only been taking part in strength competitions for two years — earning gold in the Master's division of the North American Strongman Championships in 2015, then going on to claim either the top or runner-up positions in numerous other competitions in B.C., Canada and North America.
To win in Raleigh, Ferguson had to lift metal logs, run with a 500 lb. yoke on her back and deadlift a car as many times as possible in 60 seconds.
"I was thrilled," Ferguson said of claiming the top spot.
"I went in with the goal of making the top 10, so obviously went way over my own expectations."
Ferguson credited much of her success to Mike and Tara Webber, who run the Prince George gym where she trains.
"When Mike asked me to start training with the XConditioning power team two years ago, I never would have dreamed that this is where I'd end up," she wrote in an Instagram post announcing her win.
"These two have worked with me to make me stronger physically, mentally and emotionally and have helped me to become the athlete that I am today. None of this would have been possible without them."
With files from Jordan Tucker