B.C.'s police watchdog investigating death in Campbell River
The IIO says shots were fired by police

British Columbia's Independent Investigations Office (IIO) is investigating the death of a man in Campbell River.
The IIO said in a written statement police responded to a theft and weapon complaint at a business on Saturday at around 11:30 a.m. Police reported to the agency there was an altercation between a man who was believed to be involved in the complaint and officers near the intersection North Island Highway at Park Road.
Ron McDonald, the agency's chief civilian director, said shots were fired by police and shortly after, the man was taken into custody.
He said it was later determined the man was injured and an ambulance was called. But, the man died on the way to hospital.
"We do believe he was struck by at least one bullet. However, we're still not certain what the cause of death was," McDonald said in a phone interview.
The IIO was notified of the incident shortly after it occurred and sent investigators to the scene. The agency investigates all officer-related incidents that result in serious harm or death, whether or not there is any allegation of wrongdoing.
The B.C. Coroners Service is also conducting an independent investigation to determine the circumstances of the death.
The IIO is asking anyone with relevant information to contact the witness line toll-free at 1-855-446-8477 or via the contact form on the iiobc.ca website.