Stop posting fake news on social media, B.C. wildfire evacuee says
Check official sources for accurate information, MLA says

Like many other evacuees, Alfie Mackay was hoping to find news on whether his home at 108 Mile Ranch survived the wildfires raging in B.C.
He says he saw a post on Facebook his house, specifically, had burned down.
"You can imagine what that did to me," he said. "And it turns out, it was not even my house."
As wildfires displace thousands across B.C. some officials are asking people to stop posting unverified information about the fires on social media.
"There's nothing worse than no information, and unfortunately there's a lot of false information," said Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett.
"If you've heard a rumour here or there, call us and we will tell you the facts."
Officials are also asking people to check official sources for information.
- For the latest evacuation alerts and orders, visit Emergency Info BC.
- For the latest road closures and conditions, visit DriveBC.
Mackay has a plea for those on social media who are speculating or recirculating rumours on social media.
"That's not helping anyone," he said. "People should maybe have a little think about why they put out these rumours or gossip.
"It's scaring the hell out of someone, he added. "They're not helping. They're thinking, but they're not."