B.C. College of Family Physicians calls for an end to sick notes
They are not medically necessary and we want to get back to caring for patients, says BCCFP vice president

As part of Red Tape Awareness Week, the B.C. College of Family Physicians is calling for an end to all mandated sick notes for short-term illnesses.
While the province has made sick days available for all workers in B.C. — allowing them to stay home without losing pay — some employers require a doctor's note for those who call in sick.
Dr. Jennifer Lush, a family doctor and vice president of B.C. College of Family Physicians, says many family doctors find sick notes a waste of time.
"We aren't just about doing prescription refills. We aren't just about writing sick notes. We are trained professionals with medical expertise. We want to get back to the business of caring for patients, diagnosing illness, treating illness, and these sorts of unnecessary administrative burdens are taking us away from doing that."
Not medically necessary
Lush says sick notes still seem to be required on a regular basis, even though, in 2022, Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix actively discouraged the practice.
"We are still getting requests — even from health authority employers — asking for sick notes for absences as short as one day," said Lush. "These are not medically necessary services, and we would just love to see an end to them once and for all."
She also claimed that administrative tasks like these are causing British Columbians to receive inferior care in other areas.
While one sick note doesn't take much time, Lush says this is contributing to greater workloads and burnout in the physician community.
"The family physicians we have are spending 20 to 30 per cent of their days on administrative work."
Lush doesn't see the point for an illness of five or fewer days but says it's not a hard line. She says physicians would just prefer spending their time caring on patients who need it.
Province has stated its support for ending sick notes
In September of last year, the NDP vowed to ban doctor's notes for short absences.
Part of its 2024 election platform also included the promise that sick notes would be eliminated to give doctors more time with patients.
"Premier Eby and Minister Osborne have both agreed it's a good idea, so let's stop talking about it and just bring about legislation to end the issue once and for all," said Lush.
On Thursday, the Ministry of Health told CBC News that it is committed to reducing the administrative burden on family physicians.
It said it is working with Doctors of B.C. and other health-care partners to "ensure a collaborative approach that will work best for doctors and patients."
The ministry said this includes options such as how B.C. can "lessen" or "eliminate" the time used for sick notes.
The Ministry of Labour also said in a statement that "employers are encouraged not to request sick notes from employees for short-term absences from work due to illness."
It said it will have more to say on the matter in the coming months.
Out of pocket cost for patients
Lush also notes the government doesn't often cover the cost for the time that it takes physicians to fill out paperwork for sick notes.
"The government doesn't pay us for the time spent writing paperwork for sick notes," she said. "Most employers will require that that be paid by the patient, so that puts an unnecessary burden on the public."
For those who don't have a family physician, this can look like time spent at a walk-in clinic. Or worse, says Lush, going to the emergency room because they have nowhere else to go.
"That sick employee might also come to my office with a viral illness and then expose my vulnerable patients to further risk," said Lush. "Somebody who is ill with a viral illness should be staying at home, taking care of their symptoms, resting and recovering."
With files from Daybreak Kamloops and The Early Edition