Disc golf disturbing some neighbours in Dawson Creek
Mayor is going to work with neighbours and disc golf players to find a solution

The Mayor of Dawson Creek is stepping in to sort out a dispute between disc golfers and nearby residents.
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The residents have asked council to review the location of the course because they say the golfers are trespassing on private property in order to retrieve their discs.
"[They've] concerns about damage to their property with these disc golfs flying in and hitting either their property or themselves," said Mayor Dale Bumstead.

Disc golf — essentially throwing Frisbees into baskets — came to Dawson Creek's Barbaree Park a year ago.
Daniel Martin, the president of the disc golf club, got permission from the city to use the park for the game.
"Within minutes, we took down the one basket, it was basket number 5 that they were concerned about," he said.
Mayor Dale Bumstead said he understands both sides, but wants the park to be used.
"Those are public spaces and that's what they're intended for, you want to encourage the use of them," he said.
"We spend a lot of money every year maintaining them and looking after them and you want your parks used for whatever purposes they can."