This Burnaby bakery is The Interview actor Diana Bang's favourite place in B.C.
The Valley Bakery in Burnaby Heights has been serving customers for 58 years

Food has a funny way of taking hold of our childhood memories.
This appears to be especially true for Vancouver-based actor Diana Bang of The Interview fame, who lists Burnaby's The Valley Bakery as her favourite place in B.C.
"It's like an institution of the Burnaby Heights area," Bang said. "I went there a lot when I was in elementary school, so it does bring back a lot of warm, fuzzy feelings from back then."
Bang grew up in north Burnaby, but her parents owned a laundromat in nearby Burnaby Heights.
While they were busy at work, Bang and her little sister — Kim's Convenience star Andrea Bang — would saunter around the neighbourhood and often made their way to the Valley Bakery.

There, she would order an eclair and was often offered a free shortbread cookie with yellow icing as an extra treat.
Bang says the business was also the bakery of choice for all the family's birthday cakes.
Now that she lives in Vancouver, Bang says she doesn't get to the bakery as often as she used to — but she still can't resist it when she's nearby.
"I take the bus a lot, so if I take the bus along Hastings from Vancouver into Burnaby or beyond, I do pass by it and a lot of times I can't help myself but get off, go in and grab something," Bang said.
"I've been there a couple of times in the past year and it's like nothing has changed."
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