B.C. records 1,984 new cases of COVID-19 and 9 more deaths over 3 days
There are 278 people in hospital with the disease, 139 of whom are in intensive care

B.C. health officials have announced 1,984 new cases of COVID-19 and nine more deaths since Friday.
In a written statement, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix said there are currently 5,825 active cases of people infected with the novel coronavirus in B.C.
The breakdown of new cases since Friday is as follows:
- Sept. 10-11: 823 new cases
- Sept. 11-12: 641 new cases
- Sept. 12-13: 520 new cases
A total of 278 people are in hospital, with 139 in intensive care.
Overall hospitalizations, which typically lag behind spikes and dips in new cases, are up 239 per cent from a month ago on Aug. 13, when 82 people were in hospital with the disease.
The number of patients in intensive care is up 256 per cent from 39 a month ago.
The regional breakdown of new cases is as follows:
- 609 new cases in Fraser Health, which has 1,711 total active cases.
- 542 in Interior Health, which has 1,618 total active cases.
- 319 new cases in Vancouver Coastal Health, which has 945 total active cases.
- 220 new cases in Island Health, which has 607 total active cases.
- 294 new cases in Northern Health, which has 931 total active cases.
- No new cases have been reported among people who reside outside of Canada, a group that has 13 total active cases.
The provincial death toll from the disease is now 1,865 lives lost out of 175,142 confirmed cases to date.
The regional breakdown of deaths over the last 72 hours include:
- One in Vancouver Coastal Health.
- Three in Interior Health.
- Three in Northern Health.
- Two in Island Health.
As of Monday, 86 per cent of those 12 and older in B.C. have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 78 per cent a second dose.
So far, 7.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered, including 3.6 million second doses.
Mandatory vaccines for health-care workers
During a news conference on Monday, health officials announced mandatory vaccines for all health-care workers in B.C.
The requirement will come into effect on Oct. 26 and will apply to everyone who works in a health-care facility, including students, physicians, residents and contractors.
Health officials had previously announced a vaccine mandate for workers in long-term care homes and assisted living facilities.
Vaccine cards now in effect
British Columbians over the age of 12 are now required to prove their vaccination status to enter some businesses and participate in some activities.
Adults aged 19 and over must also show a government-issued piece of photo ID.
For now, residents can be vaccinated with only one dose to access non-essential indoor businesses and activities such as restaurants, fitness facilities and arts venues, but on Oct. 24, people will need to have been fully vaccinated with two doses for at least seven days.
So far, 2.1 million people across the province have registered for their vaccine cards.
Cards are available through the provincial Health Gateway website. Mobile users can take a screenshot of the card, while desktop users can either take a screenshot or print it out.
Once you've loaded the website, you will need to enter your:
- Personal health number, which is on the back of your B.C. driver's licence, B.C. Services Card or CareCard.
- Date of birth.
- Date of vaccination — dose one or dose two.
Until Sept. 26, people can show the vaccination card they received when they got their shots, along with identification, during a transition grace period.
Those who can't access a computer and printer can:
- Ask a friend or family member to print their vaccine card for them.
- Call the province's call centre at 1-833-838-2323 to have their card printed and sent by mail.
- Visit a Service B.C. location in person to have the card printed.