Coquitlam hiker rescued near Buntzen Lake after 3 days stranded on cliff
Coquitlam Search and Rescue use long line to pluck 2 hikers to safety on Sunday

A Coquitlam, B.C., hiker reported missing near Buntzen Lake spent three days on a cliff before he was rescued Sunday by Coquitlam Search and Rescue.
He was one of two successful rescues Sunday using a long line to pluck people from tough spots in the Coquitlam backcountry.
Alec Winter, 21, was stranded on steep terrain near Eagle Ridge until a helicopter lowered a long line and lifted him from his precarious perch early Sunday.

Rescuers said Winter was well prepared and that helped them find him.
His last location was traced to a spot on the Dilly Dally trail on Friday.
Rescuers searched overnight Saturday locating the hiker at daybreak, stranded 600 metes from the top ridge of Eagle Mountain overlooking Buntzen Lake in the Coquitlam watershed.
Using a long line he was "extracted" by 9:40 a.m. PT.
He was hungry, but unharmed, rescuers reported.

Hours later a call came in to help an injured hiker on Goat Trail — a path similar to the Grouse Grind — in the Burke Mountain area.
Injured ankle can happen to anyone
A young female hiker was airlifted to Coquitlam Town Centre Firehall, where she was transferred into the care of B.C. Ambulance for treatment.
Both hikers were lauded for being well prepared by rescue staff, who noted that accidents can happen and that's why the rescued people were wise to make their plans known to friends.
Nice work by <a href="">@CoquitlamSAR</a> and <a href="">@taloncopters</a>! Thanks for the longline fellas! <a href="">#BCSAR</a> <a href=""></a>