CBC Vancouver Launches Original Podcast, SOLD!
Real estate podcast available now

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Vancouver has magnificent mountains, luscious trails, enviable waterfront views, well-maintained bike paths... and a contentious real estate market.
How did we really get here? What does the future hold? Hold your judgment and listen to the newest CBC Vancouver original podcast. SOLD! digs into the generously-sized debacle that is Metro Vancouver's real estate scene. Can we ever hold curb appeal again?
Hosted by CBC Radio One's Stephen Quinn, SOLD! will address how we got here, why foreign investment is only part of the story, and where B.C. goes from here.
SOLD! is available now at CBC Podcasts or Apple Podcasts.
Episode 1: The Break-up A story of greed, race and love that goes to the heart of the fight over foreign capital in housing. The backdrop is Vancouver's real estate boom as we shine a light on the impact the affordability crisis is having on our relationship with our city. |
Episode 2: The Race Card The conversation should be focused on the flow of foreign capital. But has it become an attack on immigrants? Politicians and developers cynically conflate the issue while Chinese Canadians experience the tension. |
Episode 3: History Foreign investment in Vancouver real estate isn't new. We explore the history of foreign money in the market. |
Episode 4: Selling B.C. How politicians, realtors, and developers marketed British Columbia to the world. They wanted us to be a 'world class' destination for investors. Now we are. Was it a mistake to woo international money into the Vancouver market? |
Episode 5: Dirty Money Casinos. Corruption. Money Laundering. Loan Sharking. Fraud and fentanyl. The tentacles of illicit foreign funds reach deep into the heart of Vancouver's housing market. |
Episode 6: 'Winning?' Could foreign investment in B.C. real estate be good for the people who live and work here? Beyond the wealth accumulated by fortunate home owners, can the windfall generated by a booming housing industry benefit us all? |
SOLD! Housing Forum hosted by CBC Vancouver and Fairchild Radio