Claire Martin, ex-CBC meteorologist, to run for Green Party nomination
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and Martin to give news conference in North Vancouver
Former CBC meteorologist Claire Martin is set to announce plans to seek the Green Party nomination in a B.C. riding for the upcoming federal election.
Martin will be joined by Green Party Leader Elizabeth May at a news conference tomorrow in North Vancouver, according to a press release by the party.
Martin is familiar to many Canadians during her time as CBC's senior meteorologist, appearing on The National from 2005 to 2014 and winning awards for her weather presenting. She left CBC last year to join a Vancouver production company.
Another former CBC broadcaster, radio host Jo-Ann Roberts, is running for the Greens in Victoria.
The Green Party has been growing in prominence in B.C. since federal leader Elizabeth May won her Saanich-Gulf Islands seat in the 2011 federal election.
The Green Party elected its first member in the B.C. Legislature in 2013, when climate scientist Andrew Weaver won the provincial riding of Oak Bay-Gordon Head.