CBC British Columbia garners 35 RTDNA nominations
CBC British Columbia has picked up 35 nominations at the RTDNA regional awards this year from the Association of Electronic Journalists.
Journalists nominated for work on everything from Mount Polley to temporary foreign workers

CBC British Columbia has picked up 35 nominations at the RTDNA regional awards this year from the Association of Electronic Journalists.
Our journalists have been recognized for their work on radio, television and digital media, including CBC News Vancouver at 6 for the best newscast, CBC Radio's On the Coast for its segment on LGBT seniors and the digital team for its work on Mount Polley.
Here is a complete list of the nominations:
- Dave Rogers Award, Long Feature - Radio, Small/Medium Market: CBC Kelowna: Motels of the Okanagan
- Dave Rogers Award, Long Feature - Radio, Large Market: The Early Edition: At Home At Last
- Dave Rogers Award, Short Feature - Radio, Small/Medium Market: CBC Nelson: There's Something About Mary
- Dave Rogers Award, Short Feature - Radio, Large Market: The Early Edition: All In The Family
- Dave Rogers Award, Short Feature - TV, Large Market: CBC Vancouver Citizen Shane segment on small business snafu
- Adrienne Clarkson Award, Diversity - Radio: The Early Edition: Injustice and Darkness - A Century since the Komagata Maru as well as Pride and Prejudice
- Adrienne Clarkson Award, Diversity - TV: Our Vancouver on Gay Pride
- Dan McArthur Award, Indepth/Investigative - Digital Media: CBC British Columbia for B.C. man alleges takedown by officer on steroids caused brain damage and coverage of McDonald's Temporary Foreign Workers
- Dan McArthur Award, Indepth/Investigative - Radio: On The Coast: Gay and Grey and The Early Edition: (dis)integration
- Dan McArthur Award, Indepth/Investigative - TV: CBC Vancouver: Code White - Attack on Nurses and CBC Vancouver: Casino Money
- Ron Laidlaw Award, Continuing Coverage - Digital Media: The Early Edition: Growing Pains and CBC British Columbia for Mount Polley breach coverage
- Ron Laidlaw Award, Continuing Coverage - Radio: The Early Edition: Growing Pains
- Charlie Edwards Award, Spot News - Digital Media: CBC British Columbia: Yaletown Shooting
- Charlie Edwards Award, Spot News - Radio: CBC Kelowna: Smith Creek Fire and CBC Daybreak North: Cody Legebokoff: Guilty on all counts
- Dick Smyth Award, Creative use of sound - Radio: CBC Prince George: A Brief History of the VLA and The Early Edition: Beatles in Vancouver 1964
- Sports Award, Radio - Small/Medium Market: CBC Prince George: Reaction to aboriginal football logos and names and CBC Kamloops: The Fight of a Lifetime
- Data Storytelling Award - Digital Media: CBC British Columbia: Faces of B.C. and Vancouver parking meter map
- Digital Media Award - Digital Media: www.cbc.ca/bc
- Gord Sinclair Award, Live Special Events - Radio: Radio West: Hunting for Grizzlies and The Early Edition: Sochi Olympics Opening Special
- Peter Gzowski Award, News Information Program - Radio: On The Coast and Daybreak Kamloops
- Trina McQueen Award, News Information Program - TV: Our Vancouver
- Byron MacGregor Award, Best Newscast - Radio - Small Market: CBC News: Kamloops at 6:30
- Byron MacGregor Award, Best Newscast - Radio - Large Market: CBC News: Vancouver at 7:30
- Bert Cannings Award, Best Newscast - TV - Large Market: CBC News: Vancouver at 6.