Burnaby RCMP issue two $2,300 fines at same condo in 24 hours for parties violating COVID-19 rules
Police say occupants of a vacation rental suite were fined for breaking the COVID-19 Related Measures Act

Burnaby RCMP handed out two $2,300 fines this weekend to two different renters of the same vacation condo property in Burnaby after they each threw parties in breach of the COVID-19 Related Measures Act.
At about 2 a.m. Saturday, Burnaby RCMP say they responded to a report of a large party in a rental suite in a condo building in the 6300 block of McKay Avenue.
The detachment's COVID compliance enforcement team responded and found the gathering to be in violation of the act.
Police observed 26 people in the condo, violating the rule of hosting no more than five people in vacation properties.
In addition, the host allegedly did not take guests' contact information for tracing purposes, and there was not enough space for physical distancing.
The host of the party was handed a $2,300 fine and the party-goers immediately dispersed, say police.
Then, less than 24 hours later, police say the same two officers who issued the first ticket returned to the same suite for a second complaint of a large party taking place.
Police say this time a different person had rented the suite, but the same violations of the act were taking place, with 17 people in attendance.
The host was issued a ticket for $2,300 and the guests dispersed.
"When we see the lives that have been lost and the sacrifices being made by people around our province due to COVID-19, it is quite frankly appalling that we still have people showing complete disregard for measures put in place to try to keep everyone safe and well," said Burnaby RCMP Cpl. Mike Kalanj.
"If you have a vacation property booked in the coming weeks to host a party with 20 of your friends, take our advice and cancel it now because you will be reported and you will be fined."