Closing arguments begin in trial of man accused of killing 13-year-old girl in Burnaby, B.C.
Ibrahim Ali pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in relation to 2017 death

Closing arguments in the first-degree murder trial of a man accused of killing a teenager in Burnaby, B.C., are expected to begin Thursday in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver.
Ibrahim Ali pleaded not guilty in April to murdering the 13-year-old girl.
The body of the girl, whose name has been protected by a publication ban, was found in Burnaby's Central Park in July 2017, hours after her mother reported her missing.
The jury heard from about four dozen Crown witnesses over the course of the almost nine-month trial.
Witnesses in the case included police, civilians and experts who said the girl was sexually assaulted and strangled, and Ali's DNA was found inside her body.
Ali's lawyer Kevin McCullough told the jury last week that they would not be calling any evidence in defence of the allegations because the Crown hadn't proved its case against Ali.
Crown lawyers are expected to give their closing remarks first, with defence to follow, and the judge will give his final instructions to the jury before members begin their deliberations.