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Vancouver Island, the Okanagan, Thompson-Nicola regions see rapid growth, in addition to the Lower Mainland

British Columbia's population has hit more than five million people for the first time in history according to the latest census data from Statistics Canada.
And while much of that growth continues to be centered in the Lower Mainland, communities on Vancouver Island, the Okanagan and Thompson-Nicola regions have seen rapid growth as well.
Statistics Canada has released its first round of 2021 census data showing population and dwelling counts for communities across the country.
Below you can find all of our charts exploring how B.C.'s population has changed over the last five years.
Population change visualizer
Focus on specific areas of the province by selecting their name and deselecting others:
Population change between 2016 and 2021
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Census maps
Hover over a region to see the rate of population increase or decrease:
Biggest and smallest population increases/decreases by region
With files from Justin McElroy