Bo Horvat's hockey stick returns to B.C. brothers after it was lost on a Christmas Eve flight
Canucks confirms the boys will receive the replacement hockey stick even after the original was found

A special hockey stick is being returned to two Nanaimo brothers after it was lost during a flight from Alberta on Christmas Eve.
The day before, Canucks captain Bo Horvat handed his hockey stick to 13-year-old Marshall and 11-year-old Linden Erwin during a game in Edmonton.
But after the family's Flair Airlines flight landed in Abbotsford, B.C, they were disappointed to find the stick was not with their luggage.
"When we arrived at the airport and the stick wasn't there, it was pretty gut-wrenching for us," said their mother, Janelle Staite.
"We went to the customer service desk and filled out a Flair lost bag report."
On Boxing Day, Staite reached out to the Canucks and Horvat, asking for a Christmas miracle — and she got one.
The team let her know they'd be sending a new stick, and the team's captain himself later sent them a surprise video message.
Marshall and Linden, <a href="">@BoHorvat</a> heard your story and will make sure a new stick comes your way. <br><br>Thanks for being great <a href="">#Canucks</a> fans! <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
But on Dec. 31, Staite said she received a call from the airport, saying the stick had been found.
"[The staff] offered to ship it to us in Nanaimo," Staite said.
"My son Linden was pretty reluctant to have it take any more journeys, and thankfully my in-laws live out in the Fraser Valley, and were kind enough to head out there on New Year's Eve and pick up the stick."
Linden said he felt really happy when the airline found it, and Marshall said he was relieved the stick wasn't stolen or broken.
"The fact that the Canucks reached out and Bo personalized something to the boys ... I just think it's really a testament to a lot of kind people and a lot of great organizations out there," Staite said.

A spokesperson for the Canucks told CBC in an email the team is still sending the second hockey stick to the brothers.
"What a great way to ring in the new year knowing that what was such a high point for the boys going into Christmas was able to end on a high for the new year," Staite said, adding it created "an exciting tale for them" as they return to school.
In a statement, a spokesperson for Flair said the airline is glad the NHL stick is being reunited with the family, and was confident it would be found.
Staite said the sticks will officially be back in the boys' hands this week, and the prized possessions will be mounted on their wall.