B.C. government promises faster tenant-landlord dispute resolution with online service
Over 22,000 dispute resolution applications are filed every year in B.C.
Over 22,000 dispute resolution applications are filed every year in B.C.

The B.C. provincial government is promising faster service for tenants and landlords in dispute thanks to a newly launched online application.
In a written statement, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing calls the new app "intuitive" and "user friendly."
"The redesigned application will guide the applicant through the process to make sure they are providing the right information," the province said.
"This will help avoid adjournments and dismissals due to incomplete or incorrect applications."
The app can be accessed from a computer or mobile device. Paper applications are still accepted as well.
According to the ministry, 22,000 dispute resolution applications are filed in B.C. every year.