B.C. gangster Jarrod Bacon's statutory release revoked after parole violation
Bacon tested positive for cocaine and is described as a risk to public safety

Notorious gangster Jarrod Bacon's statutory release has been revoked by the Parole Board of Canada, which described him as a "high profile inmate" who has maintained a criminal lifestyle and would have "considerable influence" on the gang environment in the Lower Mainland.
In a five-page decision, parole board member Katia Bustros detailed Bacon's past offences, writing that "the Board cannot ignore your criminality, your risk of reoffending and the fact that your drug consumption is linked to your offence cycle."
In 2012, Bacon was sentenced to 12 years in prison, minus time served, for smuggling 100 kilograms of cocaine. He was supposed to serve nine years before being eligible for statutory release but was released early, in February 2017 due to a clerical error.
He landed back in a maximum security prison after breaking the conditions of his release and again received statutory release in June 2018.
Tested positive for cocaine
In December of last year, Bacon was again found to be in violation of his release conditions after testing positive for cocaine.
"Before that event, the caseworkers had doubts about your sobriety," said the board decision, adding that "instead of seeking help, you took steps to actively hide your consumption."
The decision details an incident where Bacon missed a urine test, claiming he had been the victim of a hit and run.
"Your parole officer wondered if you might have faked that accident in order to avoid taking the urine test, which also casts doubts on a potential relapse into substance use before he received the result that was positive for cocaine in December 2018," the decision reads.
Bacon admitted to using cocaine twice, blaming his relapse on "a buildup of stressful situations" and requested to enter a detox centre.
However the parole board wrote that Bacon's case management team believed his motivation to enter a treatment centre was "more utilitarian than driven by a genuine recognition of your issues," and he was denied a placement by the centre.
'No supervision program can adequately protect society'
The parole board decision details Bacon's criminal lifestyle and an "unwillingness ... to amend your behaviour and take the required steps to turn your life around."
It says that Bacon is considered a member of the Red Scorpions gang and the Bacon Brothers organization, which has links to the Hells Angels.
It concludes that "no supervision program can adequately safeguard society against the risk that you represent," citing "the high risk that you present to public safety, your considerable influence in the world of organized crime [...] your less than stellar track record in honouring your legal commitments and the potential resumption of your offence cycle (cocaine use)."
Bacon's younger brother, Jamie Bacon, was charged in the 2007 Surrey Six slayings, which left six dead in a Surrey highrise.
Eldest brother Jonathan Bacon was killed in a targeted shooting in 2011.