Weed needs: B.C. Almanac broadcast talks pot with municipal leaders live from UBCM convention
Host Gloria Macarenko will speak with civic leaders on location Wednesday at annual meeting of B.C. mayors

Mayors from across the province will be in Vancouver this week for the annual Union of B.C. Municipalities convention, and high on the agenda are concerns about how cannabis legalization will impact their communities.
B.C. Almanac will broadcast on location from the Vancouver Convention Centre on Wednesday in the program's usual time slot, from noon to 1 p.m. PT.
Host Gloria Macarenko will speak with civic leaders after they vote on a special resolution asking the province for input on the legalization plan for cannabis.
Seeking clarification
Municipalities are seeking clarification from the province on what their role will be when it comes to policing and profiting from recreational pot.
The UBCM surveyed 57 of its members and only 7.2 per cent of respondents said they had been directly consulted by the federal or provincial government.
The resolution asks for "fulsome and meaningful provincial consultation" as well as funding to cover administrative costs, equitable sharing of tax revenues, and respect for local authorities concerning land use and zoning decisions.
Price setting critical
How pot will be priced is another important issue for UBCM executive member and Nelson mayor, Deb Kozak.
"Price setting is critical or the black market will continue," said Kozak, who compared the current situation in her community to the Wild West.
Kozak will be one of several civic leaders joining the special B.C. Almanac broadcast.
B.C. Almanac will also take calls from listeners throughout the program on Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
To join B.C. Almanac's UBCM broadcast dial 1-800-825-5950. In Metro Vancouver dial 604-669-3733. Cell phone users can dial star or pound 690. Listeners can also tweet @BCAlmanac, or contact by e-mail at almanac@cbc.ca.