Chris Corday
Chris Corday is currently a journalist based in Tokyo, Japan. He's worked in broadcast news since 2006 as a video journalist, reporter and field producer. Chris has reported on and produced stories for CBC across Canada and around the world, and loves great visual storytelling.
Latest from Chris Corday
Japan offers families tens of thousands of dollars to say goodbye to Tokyo
Giving people cash to abandon Tokyo is one way Japan’s government has been trying to deal with issues of overcrowding in the capital — and a shrinking population in most of the rest of the country.
World |

IOC struggling to find home for 2030 Winter Olympics — and a Tokyo Games scandal is not helping
Just as Sapporo has started officially pushing for the 2030 Winter Games, a bribery scandal involving Japan’s most recent Olympics in Tokyo is casting a dark shadow on its plans.
World |
Why Japan is plotting a 'nuclear renaissance' 11 years after the disaster in Fukushima
Earlier this year, Japan's government issued its first-ever power supply warning to stave off widespread blackouts. And there’s concern about it again this winter.
World |

Why many Japanese are protesting a state funeral for assassinated ex-PM Shinzo Abe
When Shinzo Abe's family held a funeral service a week after the former prime minister's assassination in July, mourners crowded streets near the temple where it took place. But more than two months later, support in Japan for a larger public ceremony has significantly eroded.
World |

Not so sweet season for B.C. farmers, cherry pickers due to weather and COVID-19
The cherries on Sukhdeep Brar's 100-acre orchard in Summerland, B.C., are just a few weeks out from ripening. But if he doesn't manage to find the workers to pick them, they will spoil.
Canada -British Columbia |

'I felt a tiny bit invincible until I got this': Vancouver ER doctor with COVID-19 shares his story
Dr. Joseph Finkler of Vancouver is among dozens of front-line health-care workers who have been infected with COVID-19 in Canada. He says it has been a humbling experience, but he is looking forward to the day when he's cleared to return to work and continue fighting the pandemic.
Canada -British Columbia |

'We can't talk to him': Father's COVID-19 infection puts B.C. family in separate quarantine
Rosa, a 24-year-old student, and her mother are in self-isolation at home with symptoms, while her father is in a Vancouver intensive care unit, having likely been infected with COVID-19 at a dental conference.
Canada -British Columbia |
DFO investigating critical fish habitat destruction in B.C.'s 'Heart of the Fraser'
The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans has ordered the owners of two islands in B.C.'s Fraser River to take "corrective measures" after they allegedly destroyed fish habitat in a crucial area for the survival of salmon, steelhead, and endangered white sturgeon.
Canada -British Columbia |

B.C. marine mammal expert says moving killer whale from Miami a death sentence
Lolita was taken from the waters off the West Coast in 1970, and taken to Miami's Seaquarium. Now, a First Nation has a plan to bring the orca home.
Canada -British Columbia |

'A remarkable battle that was largely forgotten': Hill 70 memorial set to open in France
A memorial park commemorating Canadian soldiers who died in a "remarkable" but not well known First World War battle opens next week in France.
Canada -British Columbia |