2 B.C. teachers fired for having sex with recent high school graduates
Both unnamed educators have lost their teaching licences for at least 15 years

In the last eight days, B.C.'s regulator for educators has announced the firing of two teachers who admitted to having sex with former students just weeks after their graduation from high school.
In both cases outlined on the website of the B.C. Commissioner for Teacher Regulation, the names of the teachers involved, the schools where they taught and even the school districts they worked for are not revealed.
The regulator says this is "in order to protect the identity of students who were harmed, abused or exploited by the teacher."
In the most recent case, posted online Tuesday, a teacher admitted to "an inappropriate sexual relationship" with a recent graduate.
The teacher, whose gender is not specified, had taught the student in Grades 10, 11 and 12, and spent a "significant amount of time" with them during their senior year, both in and out of class, according to a summary of an agreement signed by the teacher.
The student graduated in June and the teacher began having sex with them in September.
"The teacher engaged in boundary violations with other students at the school, such that students viewed the teacher more as a friend than a teacher," the summary says.
The school district that employed the teacher fired him or her, and reported the teacher to the commissioner in December 2019.
The teacher's licence has now been cancelled and they've agreed not to apply to teach again for the next 15 years.
2nd teacher had sex with 2 former students
The same discipline was meted out to another unnamed teacher whose firing was announced on June 30.
The male teacher admitted to having sex with two former students at the high school where he taught.
One was an 18-year-old that he'd taught for two years before they graduated, and the second was a 17-year-old he gave alcohol to before initiating sex, just weeks after the student graduated, according to a summary of that case.
"The teacher was aware that at least one of the students was in a vulnerable state," the summary says.
The regulator says the second teacher's misconduct happened "over an extended period of time."