Mary O'Connell
Mary O'Connell is a veteran CBC radio documentary producer who likes to explore the political and cultural zeitgeist. She has tackled subjects as diverse as Hollywood's long history of racism and the long-term effects of childhood trauma. She has received over 15 national and international awards for her work.
Latest from Mary O'Connell

The COVID generation: How the pandemic has shaped the lives of teens around the world
We asked teenagers from three countries how their lives have changed over the past two years. Here are their stories.
Radio -Ideas |

How 9/11 hastened the decline of the American empire
As the U.S. marks the 13th anniversary of 9/11 and contemplates renewed military action in Iraq, some observers warn that America is a fading power.
World |

'Corporatization' of funeral industry drives quest for alternatives
Across Canada and the U.S., dealing with death has become outsourced, but now people are beginning to question that shift.
Canada |