Pauline Dakin
Former host, reporter
Pauline Dakin worked for CBC News for almost 20 years. She was senior producer of current affairs programming for CBC Nova Scotia, the host of Atlantic Voice, and a national health reporter.
Latest from Pauline Dakin
J.P. Cormier says music helped him overcome abuse, anxiety and PTSD
Nova Scotia singer-songwriter J.P. Cormier survived a brutal childhood using music to comfort himself , and to cope with anxiety and PTSD. He's also realized a long-term dream of putting together a recreation of the Cape Breton Symphony.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

Scientists, ministers get green light to speak under Trudeau
You're about to start hearing a lot more from elected officials and government scientists.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

Rural Reckoning: Come From Away hopes to help Guysborough
On a little spit of land stretching into Guysborough Harbour, on Nova Scotia's Eastern Shore, lies one of the fairways of the Osprey Shores Golf Resort.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

5 ways to prevent wasted water from draining your wallet
For the first week, it was just irritating. There was a fast drip — a steady dribble really — from one of the showerheads at my gym. I mentioned it to the guy at the front desk on my way out that first morning.
Canada -Nova Scotia |
Racism reference in Halifax success story sets off sparks
African Nova Scotians, for the most part, don't work, eat, or drink in the new restaurants, cafes, or bars that have sprung up in Halifax's north end.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

Nova Scotia child porn case highlights dangers of online friendships
We often think of child pornographers as dirty old men in front of their computers, but a Halifax youth court case makes it clear the creepy guy trolling the internet could, in fact, be the 16-year-old who your daughter is chatting with when she's in her bedroom with her iPad or smartphone.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

AIDS conference told legalizing prostitution a simple way to curb HIV
The massive International AIDS Conference in Melbourne this week is being reminded of research showing that one of the easiest ways to curtail HIV transmission is to decriminalize prostitution, which makes sex-trade workers better able to protect themselves and seek treatment.
Health |

'Tuberculosis champions' in Nunavut improve testing, treatment
Researchers say they've found a unique way to detect hidden cases of tuberculosis in Canada's North, where the bacterial infection is still a major public health problem.
Health |

Kids need to offset 'screen time' with 'nature time'
While experts worry about the ills of the internet age and the health problems linked to kids' hours of screen time, Richard Louv says kids would benefit from greater exposure to nature.
Health |

Social media affecting teens' concepts of friendship, intimacy
Communications technology and increasing amounts of 'screen time' by teens is affecting they way they look at friendship and intimacy, according to researchers.
Health |