Nicole Riva
Nicole Riva is a multi-platform writer and social media presenter for CBC News based in Toronto.
Latest from Nicole Riva
Platelet-rich plasma treatment classified as drug, Health Canada says
Health Canada has clarified its position on much-hyped injury treatments that use platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The agency now says such treatments should be classified as a drug — a change that could make PRP more available in Canada.
Health |
When you can't escape the heat, you're in a 'heat dome'
During a heat wave, it can feel like you're being trapped by rising temperatures on all sides — and that's basically what's happening to the air in an event that has become known as a "heat dome."
Science |
Political edge, higher profile can't save print edition of Teen Vogue
Despite a higher profile and increased focus on news and politics in the last two years, publishing giant Condé Nast will end the print version of Teen Vogue magazine.
Entertainment |
How power differentials can make LGBT actors vulnerable to sexual harassment, assault
The power differentials that exist in Hollywood make many people in the entertainment industry vulnerable to sexual harassment, assault or advances — and some say it can put young, gay men especially at risk.
Entertainment |
How hurricanes generate deadly storm surges and catastrophic floods
After submerging the Bahamas up to its rooftops and killing five people, Hurricane Dorian is expected to generate “life-threatening” storm surge along the coasts of three U.S. states. But what is storm surge and how does it push water levels so dangerously high? Here’s a closer look.
Science |
Will escaped Atlantic salmon survive — and thrive — in B.C. waters?
The question isn’t why did the salmon leave the net, but what happens now that thousands of fish have escaped a Washington state salmon farm and swum off into the Pacific Ocean. Here's what experts think about the risk to B.C.'s native salmon and local ecosystems.
Science |
Researchers harness human urine to make products in space
Scientists are working to find ways to reduce the amount of supplies and costly shipments astronauts need on missions by making use of what's already on hand, including human waste.
Science |
Technology allows visually impaired, blind to experience solar eclipse
Seeing next week's total solar eclipse isn't the only way to experience it. Two projects were developed to allow the visually impaired and blind be part of the astronomical event.
Science |
Antarctic ice shelf break offers scientists a 'natural experiment' to observe
Less than a month after a massive iceberg broke off the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, scientists have gathered data on its changes, movement and whether climate change played a role in the break.
Science |
Parts of South Asia could be too hot to live in by end of century
In 2015, South Asia experienced a deadly heat wave that killed roughly 3,500 people in Pakistan and India in a matter of months. New research suggests the region could face much worse by the end of the century.
Science |