Joseph Loiero
Joseph Loiero is an investigative journalist with The Fifth Estate.
Latest from Joseph Loiero

CBC Investigates
Use of full-body restraint while in youth detention 'left me broken,' Sask. man says
Videos obtained by CBC News show teens in two Saskatchewan youth detention facilities being forced into a full-body restraint called the Wrap, sometimes for hours. Experts and the people who've endured the device say it can cause lasting psychological trauma.
Canada |

Fatal derailment prompts petitions urging feds to end private railway policing
Two petitions aimed at holding rail companies accountable for the safety of their employees, the public and environment were presented in the House of Commons on Monday by NDP MP Niki Ashton, who cited CBC’s recent coverage of issues within Canadian Pacific and the Transportation Safety Board.
Canada -Calgary |

CBC Investigates
CP threatened lawsuit against safety watchdog after investigator spoke out about deadly crash
The lead safety investigator for a deadly derailment in the mountains of B.C. was pulled off the case after Canadian Pacific Railway threatened to sue him and his bosses for suggesting the RCMP should look into potential criminal negligence by the railway, CBC News has learned.
Canada |
Ontario health guidance downplays aerosol spread of COVID-19. Critics say this puts lives at risk
Lessons from SARS were ignored in Ontario's COVID-19 pandemic response, health experts say.
Canada -Toronto |

As ICUs fill up, doctors confront grim choice of who gets life-saving care
The moment every health-care worker dreads is drawing perilously near in Ontario — when a lack of ICU beds means doctors will have to decide who gets potentially life-saving care and who doesn't.
Health |

CBC Investigates
CP Rail leaves mountain train parked without crew or handbrakes near site of deadly 2019 runaway crash
Canadian Pacific Railway is under fire after leaving a 2.5-kilometre-long grain train parked without handbrakes last month high in the mountains of eastern B.C., above the site of a deadly runaway two years ago that killed three employees.
Canada |

CBC Investigates
This man is on his deathbed because of the health care he received in prison, lawsuit alleges
Garrie Garrell is suing the federal government for $12 million. He alleges the care he received from medical staff during a recent two-year stint behind bars, primarily at Beaver Creek federal prison in Gravenhurst, Ont., is the reason he's dying.
Canada |

CBC Investigates
Charges stayed in one of Ontario's largest Mob busts after alleged illegal conduct by investigators
One of the largest police investigations into organized crime in Ontario's history has fallen apart after police allegedly illegally intercepted phone calls as part of a multimillion-dollar probe into suspected Mob activity in the Greater Toronto Area, CBC News has learned.
Canada -Toronto |

CBC Investigates
1,500 flights and rising as Canadians seek sunny escapes despite surging COVID-19 crisis
Thousands of Canadians are thumbing their noses at government advice to stay home and hopping international flights to sunny destinations even as the COVID-19 crisis worsens. Canadian air carriers operated more than 1,500 flights between Canada and 18 popular vacation spots since Oct. 1.
Canada |

The Fifth Estate
RCMP launch probe into Canadian Pacific runaway train crash that killed 3 crew members
The RCMP’s major crimes unit in British Columbia has opened a criminal investigation into a fatal runaway train crash and allegations of a coverup at Canadian Pacific Railway, following a derailment that killed three crew members near Field, B.C., in February 2019.
Canada |