Cailynn Klingbeil
Cailynn Klingbeil is a Calgary-based freelance journalist. Her writing has appeared in numerous publications including The New York Times, The Guardian and The Globe and Mail.
Latest from Cailynn Klingbeil

Alley art blossoms in the neighbourhood of Sunnyside
In the neighbourhood of Sunnyside, garage doors are not just garage doors. They're also blank canvases, just waiting to be turned into art.
Canada -Calgary |

Calgary through the eyes of new bike riders
With the global coronavirus pandemic causing people to stay closer to home, some people are back biking after decades away. Other adults are learning to ride for the first time.
Canada -Calgary |

Meet Steve, the curious ribbon of purplish light discovered in Alberta skies
Alberta sky watchers chasing the northern lights have partnered with scientists on the discovery of a curious ribbon of purplish light that everyone is calling "Steve." The feature is attracting attention for its unexpected name, as well as how it was discovered.
Canada -Calgary |

'He would have died': Father finds injured son at Nakiska hours after fall
A Calgary father who found his injured son at Nakiska on Boxing Day says the 17-year-old wasn't discovered for nearly three hours, after a mishap on his first run of the day. The teenager suffered major trauma to his head and remains in a coma in hospital.
Canada -Calgary |

Hand-ground paints have become 'a consuming passion' for southern Alberta artist
Okotoks artist Therese Dalë Kunicky's work involves a messy and labour-intensive first step: she makes her own paint. While it takes about 20 minutes to make a small batch of one colour of oil paint using such traditional methods, Dalë Kunicky appreciates how the process slows her down.
Canada -Calgary |

Longtime Calgary marriage commissioner Nomi Whalen retires from 'precious job'
After presiding over more than 6,000 weddings, Nomi Whalen helped tie the knot for one last couple Saturday. The well-known Calgary marriage commissioner is retiring after 37 years.
Canada -Calgary |

Alberta SPCA investigates hairless-cat scam as another buyer comes forward
The Alberta SPCA's new investigation into the sale of fake hairless sphynx kittens will focus on the welfare of the counterfeit cats.
Canada -Calgary |

'She was pretty lucky': Rescuer spent snowy night on Mount Haig with injured hiker
When bad weather stalled the helicopter rescue of an injured hiker off a mountain in southern Alberta, Jonas Hoke volunteered to spend the night outside with the hiker.
Canada -Calgary |
Signs of the times: Calgary's evolving identity
From weirdly cute bears wearing cowboy hats, to a Stampede city, to a 'progressive industrial centre'. Calgary's long history of slogans and welcome signs, tells us something about who we were, are and want to be.
Canada -Calgary |
Calgary's mounted patrol: A unique kind of policing
Calgary started with cops on horses when the N.W.M.P rode in around 1875. We still have mounted officers. Beyond the iconic image, it seems horse patrols can change the way we think of our neighbourhoods. Yep. Seeing an officer riding down your street just might make you feel a little safer.
Canada -Calgary |