Watch Simu Liu join Tesher onstage for 'Jalebi Baby' at the 2022 Juno Awards
The Regina artist made his live television debut at Toronto's Budweiser Stage.
The Regina artist made his live television debut at Toronto's Budweiser Stage

The 2022 Junos marked a few firsts for Regina artist Tesher. After only a year of making music full time, Tesher earned his first Juno nomination for breakthrough artist of the year.
Sunday night was also the first time Tesher performed on live TV. The song he brought to the Junos stage, "Jalebi Baby," is a worldwide hit with more than 100 million streams on Spotify alone, as well as another 100 million streams of the version that features superstar Jason Derulo. But instead of Derulo, tonight host Simu Liu joined Tesher onstage.
Watch Tesher's full performance below.