This video of 2 trombonists playing Bach in a basement is oddly satisfying
For a quick DIY video, it's pretty good!

Ilan Morgenstern and Brian Wendel are the bass trombonist and principal trombonist, respectively, of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. And when they're not onstage playing Mahler, Berlioz and Strauss with the VSO, what do they do? They play more trombone in Morgenstern's basement.
They recently posted this video of themselves playing Bach's Invention No. 4 in D Minor, BWV 775. "L8 night Bach in Ilan's practice dungeon," read the post on Facebook.
For a DIY video, back-lit and with the camera affixed to the music stand, it's pretty good! Watch below:
Both Morgenstern and Wendel are also teachers at the VSO School of Music, which is where they've been holding weekly gatherings of the Vancouver Community Trombone Choir. These are Saturday workshops for "high schoolers, college students, amateurs, and recovering players alike" where they play repertoire ranging from Baroque to funk.
If you're in the Vancouver area and you love brass, don't miss the VSO's season finale on June 8. The program includes Strauss's Also sprach Zarathustra, which will be a good workout for Morgenstern, Wendel and the rest of the VSO brass. Otto Tausk conducts.