5 songs to soundtrack your Libra season
Let these tracks from Avril Lavigne, City and Colour and more get you into a Libra state of mind

This post has been updated from an earlier version.
The quest for harmony is at the heart of what makes a Libra tick. Symbolized by the scales, this air sign loves balance. Libras are diplomatic and devoted to justice, often found in the middle of a conflict mediating for both sides. They love to keep the peace, and in social settings they're usually the people checking in to make sure everyone is having a good time.
Libra is a sociable and charming sign, and their clever wit disarms people with ease. They're quite open-minded and idealistic, making them phenomenal conversationalists.
Their Achilles' heel is indecision; it plagues them. They prefer to consider all variables before making a decision, but can end up going back and forth in their minds for so long that they never choose.
Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet that governs beauty, romance and partnerships. They're built for being in love and are most comfortable when partnered, and have no trouble attracting a bevy of potential suitors.
CBC Life astrologer Bryanna Collier recommends finding harmony during this season: "Under the influence of [this] cardinal air sign, we're able to easily compromise with people and can even act as excellent negotiators. Just don't forget to speak up for your own needs as you navigate this diplomatic energy."
Listen to the five songs below to discover some major Libra traits.
'What the Hell,' Avril Lavigne
Libras have a reputation for being people pleasers, often to their own detriment. Seeking harmony is a noble endeavour, but Libras can end up neglecting their own needs when trying to keep the balance. That's why it's so refreshing to see them stand their ground, like Avril Lavigne does on "What the Hell."
'Pressure,' Aqyila
With a natural eye for esthetics, Libras always look good. They turn heads effortlessly, as if they were born to be in the spotlight. Aqyila captures Libra's magnetic charisma on "Pressure." I dare you not to feel like the hottest person alive when she sings, "Body on 10 and the skin is gleaming."
'The Girl,' City and Colour
Being ruled by Venus, Libra is a sign that loves love in all its forms. In this timeless song, Dallas Green lays his heart on the line, with immense gratitude to the love he cannot live without.
'Wishy Washy,' Haviah Mighty feat. Omega Mighty
Libra is one of the most indecisive signs in the zodiac (Pisces is right there with them), and this can cause issues in their interpersonal relationships. Sometimes waiting for a Libra to weigh all the options can grow tiresome. Haviah Mighty lays it out succinctly on her track "Wishy Washy: "Baby can you make up your mind?"
'Fashion Freak,' Isabella Lovestory
Libras are painstakingly devoted to the way they present themselves, and the story it conveys about who they are. That expression can be through the artwork they choose to hang on their walls, the books they display on their coffee tables or the clothes they wear on their backs — like Isabella Lovestory in "Fashion Freak."