Halifax to consider options for former Bloomfield School site
Anjuli Patil | CBC News | Posted: February 26, 2025 10:00 AM | Last Updated: February 26
Staff report requested after fire destroyed one building on Feb. 16
Halifax is going to explore its options for the former Bloomfield School site.
On Tuesday, regional council voted unanimously for a staff report that would look at "options and opportunities" for the site after a fire tore through one of the buildings on Feb. 16. The report will also provide an update on the municipality's "buy-back rights" to the property.
The Bloomfield site, which stretches from Agricola Street to Robie Street on the south side of Almon Street, was comprised of three structures — one large building and two annexes. The fire destroyed the annex known as the Fielding building that faced Agricola Street.
Coun. Virginia Hinch, who represents Halifax Peninsula North, said Tuesday the derelict buildings have been vacant for years and nothing has been done with the property.
"It's unsightly, the premises are unsightly, it's disheartening in our community at this point. The community is not happy," Hinch said.
The Bloomfield School closed in 1988 but continued to be used as a community space until 2014. It has been vacant since then. A developer bought the site in 2021 but hasn't done anything to it yet.
The sale came with the condition that if construction did not begin by January 2026, the municipality would have the option to buy the property back.
Coun. Patty Cuttell, who represents Spryfield-Sambro Loop, said the former school site has been an ongoing issue for years.
"I think what happened here is a real tragedy. You know, there's been some amazing plans from the community for that school to be an active space and the complaints about the unsightly premises predate the fire. The fact that we had a fire there, we need to have this addressed as soon as possible," Cuttell said.
Coun. Nancy Hartling, who represents Prospect Road-St. Margarets, said she wants the report to address how and where debris from the demolished building will be disposed of.
"I certainly know that within the Prospect-area communities, there's big concern that that's going to end up either at the C&D facilities inside of Prospect … and there are big concerns about how toxic and how carcinogenic it is," Hartling said.
Coun. Kathryn Morse, who represents Halifax-Bedford Basin West, said she was concerned firefighters were put at risk battling the blaze. Morse said she's hoping the report will address what ability the municipality has "to demand buildings be taken down when they're in bad condition so we don't put firefighters at risk for future buildings."