Residents, fishing industry raising questions about Ingonish sewage treatment system

Concerns over lack of consultation, possible environmental impacts and long-term cost of infrastructure

Image | Ski Cape Smokey Ingonish Landing Cape Breton

Caption: Residents and members of the fishing industry are questioning Victoria County's plans for a new sewage system in the growing northern Cape Breton community of Ingonish, N.S. (Tom Ayers/CBC)

Questions are being raised about the possible environmental impacts and the cost of a sewage treatment plant that's about to be built in the northern Cape Breton community of Ingonish, N.S.
Victoria County recently announced plans to build a $15-million wastewater system to accommodate residential and commercial developments, but residents and the fishing industry are concerned about treated sewage going into Ingonish harbour.
Osborne Burke, general manager of Victoria Co-op Fisheries, said harbour water is often used to keep lobsters alive in holding tanks before they're shipped for live sale or processing.
"There's a lot of question marks from us in the seafood industry," he said. "We don't want to destroy one industry just to start another."
The new treatment plant will be located on land owned by Cape Smokey Holdings, which is building 74 condominium units at the foot of its ski hill.
Burke said fish harvesters and the processor were caught off guard when they found out the plant would be discharging wastewater into the harbour.

Image | Osborne Burke

Caption: Victoria Co-operative Fisheries general manager Osborne Burke says he's shocked at a lack of consultation with the major seafood processor and fish harvesters in the area. (Tom Ayers/CBC)

"It's shocking to us that at no time has there been any formal request, as the largest seafood processor in the county, to contact Victoria Co-op Fisheries to have any discussion, and my understanding from several of the fish harvesters who are quite upset, [is] there's been no consultation with the fishing industries," he said.
In addition to the commercial fishery, people often fish recreationally in Ingonish waters and they dig for clams in the harbour, Burke added. The area also hosts migratory birds and salmon.
For those reasons, he said the sewage system should be subject to an environmental impact assessment.
Federal and provincial environment department officials say wastewater systems do not need an impact assessment.
The province says any new system needs to be reviewed against wastewater treatment regulations before an operating permit is issued, and the federal government says the operator must also monitor its effluent and submit regular reports.

Image | Victoria County CAO Leanne MacEachen

Caption: Victoria County chief administrative officer Leanne MacEachen says the province is helping out with the capital cost of construction and users will pay the operating costs. (Tom Ayers/CBC)

Victoria County chief administrative officer Leanne MacEachen has said the province is paying half of the $15-million capital cost to build the plant and that the rest would be paid for from county reserve funds.
She said the operating costs would be borne by anyone who voluntarily hooks up to the system.
Kyla Dunphy-Williams, a resident and business owner in Ingonish, said similar to the fishing industry, she and her neighbours are concerned about a lack of public consultation.
She said they want to know how the harbour will be affected by treated wastewater and if they'll be asked to pick up the long-term cost of operating the sewage system.
"These are all really important questions that the community has a right to have answered," Dunphy-Williams said.
"If all of the necessary studies have been completed and environmental concerns have been addressed and there is a clear commitment to do no harm, then great. Let's see the proof."

Image | Kyla Dunphy-Williams

Caption: Kyla Dunphy-Williams says residents are asking important questions and want to see studies the county has that show treated wastewater is safe for Ingonish harbour. (Tom Ayers/CBC)

Coun. Tim Donovan said Victoria County is planning to hold a public meeting next month.
He said development is important to the community, but people need to hear from engineers and others who can answer residents' specific questions.

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"If it's done correctly and it's done environmentally responsibly and if all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed, it's certainly something that would foster progress," Donovan said.
"It's an important piece of infrastructure and I'm just looking forward to hearing from the experts."
He said a public meeting is being considered for Ingonish the week of March 10 and details will be coming soon.