Beyond Self-Interest

Krzysztof Pelc

Image | Beyond Self-Interest


In Beyond Self-Interest, Krzysztof Pelc argues that those who prosper increasingly do so by spurning prosperity, or by convincing others that they are pursuing passion, purpose, love of craft – anything but their own self-advancement. From the Puritans, who followed a religious calling and yet made a killing; to the fastest-growing firms of today, who claim to be 'changing to the world' through 'doing what they love', declaring passion over profit is a profitable move.
We've learned that the way to get ahead is through strong will, grit and naked ambition. The belief that self-interest makes the world go round has served us well: it has helped make our society more affluent. Pelc explores whether or not that premise still holds.
Krzysztof Pelc is a professor of political science at McGill University. Born in Warsaw, Poland, he has lived in Montreal since 2010. He is also the author of Making and Bending International Rules, about the ways international law deals with unexpected events.
Pelc won the 2019 CBC Short Story Prize. He was previously a finalist in 2017.