Ottawa Senators to once again have shorter summer than Ottawa senators

OTTAWA, ON—After a valiant run in the NHL playoffs before falling to the Pittsburgh Penguins in seven games in the Eastern Conference Finals, the Ottawa Senators are headed to their home and condos and cottages for a break.
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Of course there's almost no way it will be as long as the summer break taken by the average Ottawa senator, which is about as long as possible.
"We put in a good effort, we played our best out there, took it one shift at a time," said team captain Erik Karlsson. "Of course, one side effect of putting in that much effort is we've probably given ourselves a shorter summer than our counterparts in the literal Ottawa senate."
"Of course that was always going to be the case. You just can't compete with that kind of lack of effort."
Reached by phone at his Muskoka cottage where he's been since mid-April, Conservative senator Jim Truant congratulated the Senators on their playoff run.
"That's amazing. I don't understand how someone has the fortitude to keep working in any way once the weather gets warm, but our boys are tough and valiant and they manage to do it every year. In fact I'm going to give them a public commendation when the senate reconvenes in late November."
At press time, members of the senate were actually considering returning to Ottawa for a single day, to table a bill to give themselves a longer summer "in order to train for next year."
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