Name a thing you like or believe in and Ricky Gervais will tell you why you are stupid to do that
On a publicity tour for his recent Netflix special, Humanity, Ricky Gervais presented interviewers with a unique challenge: to tell him something they cared about at all, and he would tell them why they were stupid to do so. Below is a transcript of one such conversation.
INTERVIEWER: So if I'm understanding this challenge correctly…
GERVAIS: Don't be so sure that you are. (winks, looks to assistant)
INTERVIEWER: … right. I'm not certain I am. That's why I was phrasing it the way I was.
GERVAIS: Go on then. (laughing at apparently nothing)
INTERVIEWER: You've challenged any interviewer to name something that they either like, enjoy, or believe in, and you'll tell them why… it's bad?
GERVAIS: Catchin' on. You may not be as dumb as I'd heard.
INTERVIEWER: Did you hear I was dumb?
GERVAIS: It's a figure of speech, mate.
INTERVIEWER: I'm not sure it is. Anyway, why are you doing this?
GERVAIS (looking very exasperated): Questioning norms, innit.
INTERVIEWER: Which norms?
GERVAIS: Well if you have to ask…
INTERVIEWER: Alright then. Well I like pizza.
GERVAIS: That's a mistake.
GERVAIS: Following the crowd?
INTERVIEWER: Because a lot of people like pizza?
GERVAIS: Maybe it's just me, but if a lot of people like something, how can it be good?
INTERVIEWER: Your new special must be great, then.
GERVAIS (laughing toward assistant): Ooh this guy thinks he's got it figured out, huh? Okay, what's another thing you had fun with recently?
INTERVIEWER: Groundhog Day.
GERVAIS (screaming with laughter): You actually believe whether a small woodland creature sees its shadow controls the weather????
INTERVIEWER: No. I don't believe it actually works that way. I just went to watch it. I think it's just kind of fun.
GERVAIS (mockingly): "Please sir, can I have some more fun?"
INTERVIEWER: I'm not sure who you're… even mocking here anymore. Also are you against the idea of fun?
GERVAIS: Fun's what you make it, mate.
INTERVIEWER: Like Groundhog Day?
GERVAIS (screaming with laughter): You actually believe whether a small woodland creature sees its shadow controls the weather????
INTERVIEWER: You said exactly that already.
GERVAIS: Says you.
INTERVIEWER: Says you. Twice.
GERVAIS: Oh. Jinx. Owe me a Coke.
INTERVIEWER: You — you have become David Brent.
GERVAIS: I'll take that as a compliment.
INTERVIEWER: It's not one.
GERVAIS: Agree to disagree.
INTERVIEWER: I'm the one who said it.
GERVAIS: Checkmate.
(Interviewer leaves)
GERVAIS: Except you're playing checkers, mate.
GERVAIS: Oh yeh? Left? Shoulda gone right, maybe. (winks)
GERVAIS: What should we do now?
GERVAIS (laughing maniacally): Wot, do I have to hire my 47th assistant of the year now? Oh god!!!! Not that I believe in him. (he winks at the wall)
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