I was an earring for both Harrison Ford and Bruce Springsteen

I've been through a lot in this crazy town. And you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Even if some guys in this town pass you around like you're some kind of accessory.
I first became acquainted with Bruce in 1973. He was a young rock & roller with a dream, and I was a medium-sized hoop three inches in diameter—hey, weren't we all, in our twenties—just hoping to find my place in this crazy town. I was perfectly happy to find it in the lobe of the guy who wrote "Rosalita." More than happy.
And we were both happy, together. Through the wild, heady days of Born to Run, the difficult time of Darkness on the Edge of Town, and the ambitious years of The River and Nebraska, I had his ear, helping him make the right decisions, him taking me along with him to all the fanciest parties, events, and magazine covers. The only time we were apart was when he was sleeping or showering, which was an arrangement I could live with.
But then just as he was becoming a massive star with his new album Born in the USA—just when our years of hard work together were about to truly pay off—he cast me off like some cheap trinket.
Not only that, but he didn't even care when I hooked up with a friend of his.
Harrison Ford was looking for a change of pace at the time. He was coming off some massive film franchises like Star Wars and Indiana Jones, and trying to re-define himself.
We had some good times together. It was never the same as it was with Bruce, but Harrison was a stable presence in my life. I got to meet Calista Flockhart (a high point), Shia Labeouf (a low point) and Tommy Lee Jones (a terrifying point).
Once he was finally wooed back to those blockbusters movies, though, Harrison and I parted ways, as he chose a simple clip-on in the rare moments he wasn't on set.
Today? I'm not with anybody. I've had overtures from Will Smith, Johnny Depp, even Glenn Close, who says she "lost one just like me" and would be very interested.
My answer? There's no one "just like me". So I'm taking my time. Getting to know myself. Finding out what I am without an ear to hang on.
And guess what… I'm doing just fine.
Having said that, I'd say yes to Morgan Freeman in a heartbeat, and tell him that if you know him please.
But until then... I'm doing just fine.
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