I'm really doing the heavy lifting on your beautiful sunset photo, eh? By Mother Nature

Came across your photo of last night's sunset this morning, and I gotta say, whoa, that looks good!
Stunning, in fact!
Some really great stuff there. The deep pinks! The brilliant oranges!
Just the majesty of it all.
I understand if you're not overwhelmed by my compliments though, since I know I'm not the first person to tell you. A lot of people have been praising it on your Twitter, your Instagram, your Facebook — basically all of the many, many places you have given them the opportunity to stumble across it.
And good on you. Everybody loves a nice picture.
Because everybody loves a nice sunset.
You'll similarly have to understand, though, if I don't sound super genuine in my awestruck praise, since I have to say I'm not really that surprised by the picture.
You see, I've seen that sunset before.
Yep. Yeah.
Because I made it.
Yeah. I made those wispy clouds, took care of that sun that peeks through each layer of them, even… you know that one random black bird shadow that really contrasts so nicely against the burnt amber? That's all me, baby!
Of course I appreciate you noticing.
You do have to admit though, you didn't do much beyond that. Just noticed and grabbed it.
You didn't even learn how to do it. You just saw a beautiful thing and hit a button.
Do you even know what's happening in that picture? Do you have any idea of the science behind it?
That goes for the sunset or the act of photography, by the way.
And yes, I know, the picture isn't exactly what I created, isn't precisely what I was showing you up in that sky to aesthetically ameliorate everybody's evenings all across town. Ceci n'est past un sunset, and all that.
Because you "enhanced" it, didn't you. Wow, how did you manage that? How did you improve on nature's perfection?
Did you take into account the depth of field when deciding how to crop the photo? Did you study the colours and choose which ones to desaturate and others to just boost a little in order to — oh, you just hit a button for that, too?
Cool! Cool.
Well done. I'm sure tonight's will be just as good. Not sure how good yet because, you know, I haven't planned it.
But look forward to you just throwing your hand up and capturing it, once I have.
Look, this has been nice, but gotta head out.
Gotta talk to somebody about this corn on the cob dinner they "made."
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