Local woman honoured to be named friend's 38th bridesmaid

VANCOUVER, B.C.—When Kathryn Taylor was first asked by her friend Tammy to be a bridesmaid in her wedding this past summer she was surprised – but very excited. Kathryn and the bride had met during graduate school and bonded quickly, even living together for a brief period after graduation, but had fallen out of touch over the past few years. Taylor welcomed the opportunity to reconnect with the bride but when she arrived at the bachelorette party, she learned she was just one of 38 bridesmaids (including 11 different Colleens) from various phases of the bride's life.
"Of course I knew there would be a few of us, but I didn't realize Tammy had so many close friends," Taylor recounted. "Everything was pretty typical of normal bridal party experiences. Just way, way bigger."
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The bachelorette weekend began at Medieval Times where the bridal party occupied the entire Red Knight section. "He lost to the Green Knight whose jousting skills were quite superior," Taylor explained.
When it came time for the group to go for dress fittings, Taylor found herself in a Costco. "A lot of people don't know that Costco has a bridesmaid dress line, but because of the bulk discount we were able to snag our matching dresses for only $12.99 each. I totally get why the Duggars shop there now."
Once the wedding day arrived, Taylor embraced the excitement of the event despite some unusual challenges. She explained, "At the reception, the DJ decided it would take too long to introduce the party individually by name, so we were just called out in groups."
Groups included childhood friends, study abroad pals, sorority sisters, family members, and 'miscellaneous.' "I was in the miscellaneous group and we nicknamed ourselves 'ETC' and made up a fun little cheer," Taylor said.
With a slight tinge of embarrassment, Taylor also shared how she momentarily forgot her manners after sipping on a number of wine coolers and ploughing over a large cluster of the "childhood friend" bridesmaids during the bouquet toss. "I had no choice but to throw around some serious elbows if I wanted any chance at the bouquet. I'm not proud of my choices, but I did what I had to do."
However, there were also some unexpected benefits to Taylor's situation: "Since we took the photos on a fully extended firefighter's ladder and I was all the way at the top, I felt less pressure to look perfect in every shot because I wasn't really visible," she said.
Additionally, the bridal party decided to pool all their money together for the couple's gift and was able to buy them a brand new car.
"I just hope if I ever get married, I'll have accumulated a few more friends by then. I don't want to look like a loser!" Taylor quipped.
Speaking of weddings...
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