Jessica retires after sending the "perfect" snapchat
HALIFAX, NS—Jessica Adorlo, 27, was in tears as she retired from Snapchat after sending out what she herself described as the "perfect snap."
Adorlo, a bright young medical researcher, says she discovered the app about a year ago and started to realize the quality control on many of her friend's snaps was shockingly low. "I think that the mark of any good snap is a perfect blend of cinematography, comedy, lighting and heart, and I just wasn't seeing much of that." Jessica told us, while sorting through piles of unpaid bills "I figured it couldn't be that hard."
It was these higher expectations that led Adorlo on the quest to craft far superior snaps of her own. Adorlo admits to holding each of her potential snapchats to incredibly, at time absurdly high standards. "I would spend hours coming up with a great premise, then several more hours planning it's perfect execution."
Some may think this an inappropriate amount of time to give to a 10 second video that will disappear forever once it's been opened, but friends agree this high standard did result in above-average snapchats. "Jessica truly thought out her snaps with an almost Terrence Malick-like attention to detail, which was cool" close friend Anne DePlie commented, quickly adding "But it seems insane that she missed her sister's wedding to finish an 8 second video about almond milk."
Adorlo's sister was unavailable for comment, but her brother Christopher spoke to us admitting "Jess's videos were pretty funny, you know, for snapchats." When asked if her dedication to her snaps had damaged her relationships Christopher admitted "She's ignored a lot of people for a long time. I think mostly we're just concerned and hoping she ends her "leave of absence" from her job."
After sending out the self-proclaimed perfect snap, which no sources could recall any details of, Adorlo knew it was time to "hang up her IPhone", proudly saying "I knew it wasn't going to get any better than that!" She has no set plans after deleting the app next Monday, but told us she's excited to finally have the time to "shower", and "go to work."