Donald Trump sues Batman v Superman over eerily similar Lex Luthor character

HOLLYWOOD, LA—Comic-book fans are restless for the release of of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice this weekend, but a multi-million dollar lawsuit may prove to be a buzzkill.
Donald Trump has sued for breach of copyright, claiming that the character of Lex Luthor is directly based on his personality.
"Lex Luthor IS Donald Trump," says Trump's head lawyer Damien Miller. "The visual similarities alone are legion. That goofy haircut, the squinty eyes, the weird cheeks… they might as well have named the character Lexonald Luthrump."
"Strike that last comment from the record, please," adds Miller. "I don't know why I made up that name, it sounds stupid."
Miller went on to list other similarities between Superman's greatest foe and the guy who shouted "You're fired!" on The Apprentice. "Both have way more money than they deserve, both hate illegal aliens, and both have plans to destroy the western seaboard of North America for a weird real-estate scam."
"You know what, strike that comment too," adds Miller. "I'm not supposed to talk about Mr. Trump's schemes."
Miller also points out several instances in the film where Lex Luthor makes awkward, pseudo-sexual comments to women, just like Trump. Perhaps the most damning piece of evidence occurs at the end of the second act when Luthor orders Superman to "Get out of here!" This is a slogan copyrighted by Trump's political campaign, just aimed at Mexicans instead of Kryptonians.
Trump seeks restitution for pain and suffering, as well as a formal apology from the Man of Steel himself.
"Yeah, it's weird, Trump doesn't realize Superman is a fictional character," sighs Miller. "But as you can tell from his presidential campaign, he has trouble distinguishing between fantasy and the reality."