7 privileged white guys who went on to do big things
Despite being Caucasian males born into vast affluence, these seven people overcame the odds and prospered. In a huge way!
1. Armie Hammer

The great-grandson of oil tycoon Armand Hammer is now an A-list actor, having appeared in The Social Network (twinsies!), The Lone Ranger, J. Edgar, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. All this despite being impossibly wealthy and even more impossibly handsome. What's your secret, Armie?
2. Adam Levine

Sure, you know him from Maroon 5 and NBC's The Voice, but Adam wasn't always a rich, famous white guy: once upon a time he was merely a rich white guy. Growing up in a glitzy Pacific Palisades neighbourhood, Adam was little more than the son of Fred Levine, millionaire founder of retail clothing chain M. Fredric. Talk about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps -- we like your moxie, kid!
3. Conrad Black

Despite his personal fortune (dad ran Canadian Breweries Limited, mom's family founded the Great-West Life Assurance Company), Conrad somehow, someway, managed to head up the world's third-largest English-language newspaper empire. More amazing still: he skipped the whole 'work your way up through the mailroom' step. Now that's what we call ambition!
4. George W. Bush

Becoming President of the United States after your dad was already president? Pretty daunting stuff: Imagine the big shoes to fill! Not to mention the vicious, ruthless taunts you'd receive, such as "He's a chip off the old block!" and things of the like. But if anyone is capable of scaling Mt. Adversity, it's former Texas Rangers owner George W. Bush!
5. Nickelback Guy

He may not have been rich growing up, but Nickeback Guy sure had the 'privileged' thing down pat, regularly burgling his junior high school in Hanna, Alberta. But true success didn't come until he formed Nickelback (presumably named after him), a band of white guys that regularly plays in front of tens of thousands of other white guys. You sir, are a pioneer!
6. Prince Charles

Charles is next in line to become the King of England, even though amazingly, his father isn't even a king. "How is this possible?" you ask. Hey, when you've got Charles' grit and determination, you turn that vision board into a reality board. Talk about stick-to-itiveness!
7. Justin Trudeau

When your dad was one of the nation's most beloved Prime Ministers and you also happen to look like a chiseled Disney prince, you're going to have to work hard to overcome the considerable obstacles on your path to greatness. It's a classic riches-to-riches story, but don't worry, it ends happily: now Sonderella is running our country!
(Previously published 8/6/2014. Edited 11/4/15.)