5 ways to improve your terrible Uber passenger rating

1. Make your destination the driver's house
One of the neat things about Uber is that not only do passengers rate drivers, drivers rate passengers right back. A good strategy to ensure a high passenger rating is to create as little work for your driver as possible. That's why I suggest asking for your driver's home address and then making that your destination point. Your driver will be thrilled by the convenience of it all. Then, to get to your final destination you can just call a taxi from his house.
2. Offer your driver a bottle of water for once
Isn't it nice when you get in an Uber and the driver offers you a bottle of water? Did it ever occur to you that it might be a bit selfish to never offer one back? Next time you travel, be sure to store a few Evian bottles in your cargo shorts so you can offer them up. It doesn't have to stop with water, either. You could offer a chocolate bar, lend the guy some DVDs, or propose a good old platonic backrub!
3. Give your driver the option not to stop
Did you know that stopping and starting consumes more gas than driving at high speeds? In light of gas prices these days, isn't it a bit inconsiderate to ask your poor driver to come to a full stop just so you can get out? When you're approaching your destination, tell your driver to keep going, then give him a hard pat on the back, open the door and roll out of the car. You can roll down the sidewalk, and end up right at your front door. I can probably guarantee you that you will basically be fine.
4. Let him/her know you're there for him/her emotionally
Everyone needs to talk it out sometimes – even Uber drivers. Next time you get in an Uber, try saying something like, "Hey there, thanks for picking me up. Also, if you need to talk about anything, I'm here for you." Having a driver tearfully confess to you that he never really felt loved by his father is a great stepping-stone to a 5-star passenger rating!
5. Don't be your usual annoying self
You may not be aware of this, but there is a huge chance that you're a bit of an annoying asshole. Instead of giving in to your typical asshole-y compulsions, try fighting against them for this ride. You know, say please and thank you, be generally courteous, and keep you general douchey-ness to a minimum. (Apologies if this doesn't apply to you, but it probably does.)