5 books you didn't know were written by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Path to Enlightenment. In My Own Words. The Art of Happiness at Work. In these hallmark texts, His Holiness the Dalai Lama shows us how to lead a life of peace and wisdom through the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism.
But did you know this is just one of his many fields of insight? We've compiled a list of his lesser-known works for the truly dedicated pupil.
1. Get Her Back in 3 Texts
Having "read receipt jitters?" Thinking about sending a creepy double text? In this Bible for the newly dumped, His Holiness will help you up your game and even prescribe a home remedy for Tinder thumb. Don't miss chapters like "Mastering the shirtless bathroom selfie" and "Emoji etiquette for the broken-hearted."
2. Black Friday Border Excuses
Don't get dinged on those duty charges! In this very useful novella, His Holiness actually suggests rolling down the window in tears and alleging that the purpose of your trip was to bury a dear relative. He also recommends you hide any visible evidence of your maniacal shopping spree, such as blinged-out tube tops or US-only cereals. What happens if your passport is expired? How do you know those other people in the car? Is it better to gas up before or after you've crossed? Also! Did you check the exchange rate? Waiting one more week could be the better move after all.
3. Shoes That'll Impress Your Capricorn Man This Season
Over 700 long pages, Lhamo Thondup gives his stamp of approval to a cornucopia of see-through stilettos and virtually nothing else. But why worry? Such a trendy choice is sure to dazzle an ambitious Capricorn. The Post calls this book "An astonishing breadth of knowledge from a notoriously barefoot man ... Not since the hokey-pokey have we been so explicitly told where to put our feet."
4. Sell Your House in a Raging Bidding War
No one keeps a real estate agent on edge like the DL. Catchphrases like "Hey, we aren't afraid to just sit on this lot!" and "You can tell them good luck finding a place like this..." will have your house sold faster than you can say "Tenzin Gyatso." From page 56: "A friend of mine had just been low-balled by a couple of lame newlyweds looking for their first starter bungalow, but after he spoke with me they were also looking for their iPhone. Which he hid in the fireplace. See? Bought himself two more hours to bump that offer up into 'yes' territory."
5. Best Spots to Take an Emergency Dump in Tibet
This is less of a book and more His Holiness simply writing down his home address. He stresses multiple times throughout the text that "the Febreeze is on you. I mean it. I'll be pissed if you forget."