Audiences agree: Last Jedi was a perfect movie that ruined the Star Wars franchise and is also just mediocre

Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the second film in the new Disney-led Star Wars trilogy, has been out for three weeks now. That's more than enough time for the reactions from around the world to settle in, and the reviews are unanimous!
Fans everywhere are unanimous in their opinion that this is an absolutely flawless film, one that is inept, stunning, glorious, terrible, and without peer—for better and for worse—as well as just kind of "meh."
Director Rian Johnson's work has been a particular target of the contemptuous derision/dazzling praise, with one viewer going so far as to call it "exactly the cinematic beauty that the franchise needed, absolutely ugly beyond my wildest nightmares, and honestly, a little pedestrian!"
Even the often-combative online forums are surprisingly united in their view that the film is a delicate, pure, impeccably polished pearl that should never be shown to anyone but rather thrown into a garbage can, compacted, and incinerated because it's a motion picture that just sits there, inert, neither good nor bad.
"One thing about the new movie is the development of the characters like Rey," said Peter R. in one typical comment. "I never thought Rey would be such a disappointment, she's just stupid and cunning and brave and lame and talented and bumbling. She's barely even a character, to be honest!"
Critics, too, have been unified in their reaction to the film, which they have called "easily the series' best entry since Empire and its worst since Attack of the Clones: completely middle-of-the-pack, nothing to remark upon really."
Looking ahead, critics and audiences alike say that the film also makes it perfectly clear what the world can expect from Johnson's upcoming original Star Wars trilogy: an unmitigated disaster mitigated only by its massive artistic and commercial achievements, taking so few chances as to not have even been worth making.
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