A minute by minute diary of a sweaty man in the Polkaroo suit

0:00 - 0:30 - There. I got the head on. You'd think it would be easy to squeeze a huge head onto my normal-sized head, wouldn't you. You would think quite wrong. But it's on. Now I just wait for them to hit my cue and I stroll on and work that Polkaroo magic.
0:31 - 1:00 - Wait, why haven't they hit my cue yet? Why aren't they ready? They should be ready. The second I put this thing on, it's a one-way trip to Sweat Town. They should do what they can to make that vacation as brief as possible.
1:01 - 1:30 - Is that—was that my cue? I heard somebody say something but this big green thing muffles like crazy. Plus the sweat in my ears. Come on, let Polkaroo do his thing. Whoa, did I just call myself Polkaroo? Jake. It's Jake. Get it together, Jake.
1:31 - 2:00 - Okay, someone just pushed me through the door so I guess we're doing this now. Let's try not to walk into any walls this time, huh? I am SO hot right now.
Where's Sharon? Where is she? Oh I hear her talking so I guess she's right there. This is the easy part; no lines to memorize, just shout "Polkaroo!" every time she stops talki—POLKAROO!
2:01 - 2:30 - Okay so I guess she wasn't finished talking. There was a gap though. We're going again after they re-set the lights. THE LIGHTS ARE MAKING IT HOTTER IN HERE.
2:30 - 3:00 - Why do they even need to "re-set the lights"? I've seen this show. It looks pretty simple. Why does the director have to be Janusz Kaminski all of a sudden? You're filming a person talking to a human puppet.
3:31 - 4:00 - Okay how did I just do that? How did I blow my line? The line is Polkaroo! What is "Parcheesi"? I think it's a game or something but why did I say it?
4:01 - 4:30 - Maybe because I was so hot. I'm definitely feeling hot in here and a little dehydrated. Maybe they… was that my cue? I think they… wait are they filming right now? POLKAROO! There I said it. Where's Sharon? It's so hot. Parchee— Polkaroo. Polkaroo. Polkaroo.
4:31 - 14:00 - ???
14:01 - 14:30 - So apparently I passed out. We're going again after they re-set the lights. It might take a while, he got some whole new lighting idea.
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