What is one book your generation should read? The young cast of CBC's Detention Adventure share their picks

When three straight-A students discover that the entrance to Alexander Graham Bell's secret lost laboratory may just be in their school's detention room, they're prepared to do anything to find it — including dragging the school bully along for the ride. CBC's new series Detention Adventure is now available on Gem.
Below, the cast of Detention Adventure share their list of must-read books.
Simone Miller recommends Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich, with Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul

"I think my generation should read Dear Evan Hansen. This book delivers a very important message — that everyone has a purpose! I feel that my generation needs to be reminded of this. This story illustrates the relatable twists and turns of being a teenager. The main character, Evan Hansen, feels invisible in his own skin. This books talks about: anxiety, peer pressure, feeling alienated, fear and being socially awkward. Dear Evan Hansen reminds us that we are all important despite the amount of friends or how many social media followers we have."
Jack Fulton recommends Night by Elie Wiesel

"I think the book Night should be read by every kid of our generation. In the book there is so much darkness like death, evil from the Nazis and his loss in faith, however there is still an element of kindness shown by his father who gives him his rations of food and a Jewish violinist who plays music for the prisoners to cheer them up. I am from a family that survived the Holocaust, my great-grandfather Zaidie lost his family to the Nazis and lived until he was 103. He told me the many horrible stories of the war. But even if you are not Jewish, it is an important story for all religions and all races to read. It is a difficult book but it is so important for our generation to always remember and to never forget what happened to six million Jewish people. It is a story that has to forever be told so that it can never happen again."
Alina Prijono recommends The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"The Little Prince is an innovative, original and fun book for all ages. For someone who is young the book tells a fun and imaginative story, but for an older audience The Little Prince has many hidden metaphors and lessons that you can learn from. This book is so unlike other books out there because it tells a unique story depending on who is reading it and is full of thought provoking quotes, for example 'It is madness to hate all roses because you got scratched with one thorn.' Although the book is not very lengthy, your mind will be working to search for the underlying messages that can be found in between the lines of the brilliant yet simple text. The Little Prince is an important book as it offers an enriching and joyful story with a significant moral."
Tomaso Sanelli recommends the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan

"I think that a great read for anyone my age is the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. Each book builds excitement for the next, so I was always looking forward to reading the next book in the series. It dives into the world of Greek Mythology and I learned a lot more than I thought I would as a result. Each character is developed with interest and complexity. They are unpredictable and have their own quirks. You never know who is a friend or a foe. I had a blast reading the series and would recommend it for anyone my age or younger!"