See the winner announcements on Day Three of the 2022 Forest of Reading Festival

CBC Books is presenting the 2022 Forest of Reading Award ceremonies on May 17, 18 and 19, 2022.
Hosted each spring, the Forest of Reading is Canada's largest annual recreational reading program where children and young adults pick their favourite authors and illustrators.
Each spring, the Forest of Reading curates a wide selection of Canadian titles for school-aged children. Forest of Reading has nine awards selected by Canadian students, divided by age group and reading level. Each award has 10 nominated titles and students across Canada vote on their favourite to determine the winner.
More than 270,000 students across Canada participate each year through their schools, public libraries, literacy centres and at home. Those with a subscription can tune in through Curio, CBC's educational service. The awards will also be available at CBC Books. To see the French version of this article, click here.
On Day Three of the festival (May 19, 2022), the French-language awards Le prix Tamarac (10 a.m. ET), Le prix Mélèze (11:30 a.m. ET) and Le prix Peuplier (1:30 p.m ET) are announced.
Le prix Tamarac
This French-language prize category includes chapter books from 100 to 250 pages, smaller text with little or no illustrations, books with more mature subject matter, non-fiction or comics.
The 2022 nominees are:
- Am Stram Gram by Sophie Labelle
- La bête à pile by Pierrette Dubé, illustrated by Vigg
- Cabane Sinistre by Karine Lambert
- Comme un ouragan by Jonathan Bécotte
- Un festin pour les chiens by François Gravel
- Fric-Frac by André Marois, illustrated by Pauline Stive
- Louis Riel et le pays improbable by André Leblanc
- Nish 01 Le Nord et le Sud by Isabelle Picard
- Panique à la mi-temps by Mika, illustrated by Mathieu Lampron
- Saraline by Louise Phaneuf
The 2021 winner was Lac Adélard by François Blais, illustrated by Iris
Le prix Mélèze
This French-language prize program is for intermediate readers and provides them with a mixture of novels less than 100 pages long, picture books of a mature subject matter, graphic novels and nonfiction books.
The 2022 nominees are:
- L'agence Mysterium 03 Mission Nanouime by Alexandre Côté-Fournier, illustrated by Sophie Bédard
- Dounia by Marya Zarif
- L'épouvantable histoire de l'ogresse qui mangeait que les enfants sages by Danielle Chaperon, illustrated by Baptiste Amsallem
- Espion malgé moi 01 Opération parents très spéciaux by Andréanne Dubois
- Honey et Ketchup by Jonathan Bécotte, illustrated by Sabrina Gendron
- Kellan et le roi de la montagne by Dïana Bélice, illustrated by Audrey Jadaud
- Oizo s'inquiète trop! by Éric Péladeau
- Le retour du Capitaine Baboune by Michel Ouellette, illustrated by Réjean Roy
- Tombés dans ….la gomme! by Julie Rivard, illustrated by Rémy Simard
- Voyages autour de mon cœur by Gilles Tibo, illustrated by Geneviève Després
The 2021 winner was Sergent Billy: La vraie histoire du chevreau devenu soldat by Mireille Messier, illustrated by Kass Reich
Le prix Peuplier
This French-language prize program gives young, beginner readers the opportunity to read and judge 10 picture books and vote for their favourite one, determining which one wins.
The 2022 nominees are:
- Albertine Petit-Brindamour déteste les choux de Bruxelles by Anne Renaud, illustrated by Élodie Duhameau
- La chasse aux taches tenaces by Émilie Demers, illustrated by Élodie Duhameau
- Clovis a peur des nuages by Guylaine Guay, illustrated by Orbie
- Le cochon qui voulait dire non by Carine Paquin, illustrated by Laurence Dechassey
- La grève de câlins by Simon Boulerice, illustrated by Francis-William Rhéaume
- Joyeux ou triste? by Bertrand Gauthier, illustrated by Sabrina Gendron
- La morve au nez by Orbie
- Les petits et les (trop) gros secrets by Mylen Vigneault, illustrated by Maud Roegiers
- La ruelle d'hiver by Céline Comtois, illustrated by Geneviève Després
- Victor et Lino by Caroline Merola
The 2021 winner was Pas Moi by Elise Gravel