Noor Naga wins the 2017 RBC Bronwen Wallace Award for Emerging Writers

Noor Naga has won the RBC Bronwen Wallace Award for Emerging Writers for her collection of poems "The Mistress and the Ping."
The $10,000 prize (doubled this year from $5,000) recognizes writers under 35 who are not yet published in book form. Named after Canadian poet and short story writer Bronwen Wallace, the prize alternates between short fiction and poetry every year.
Noor Naga was selected by a jury comprised of poets Adèle Barclay, Stuart Ross and Moez Surani. She has a MA in creative writing from the University of Toronto and was shortlisted for Room magazine's fiction contest in 2015.
"'The Mistress and the Ping' is constructed from exhilarating, mile-a-minute prose poems that are fresh, provocative, and often funny," the jury said in a statement. "These visceral pieces take surprising hairpin turns, pulling the reader through proclamations, inquiries and bursts of self-doubt."
The other finalists were Tyler Engström and Domenica Martinello. They each will receive $2,500.
In addition to the prize money, finalists also receive writing feedback and guidance from editors at ECW Press, House of Anansi Press and a McClelland & Stewart poetry board member.
Last year's winner was Brendan Bowles. Other past winners include Michael Crummey, Alison Pick and Alissa York.