The gripes of glasses-wearing computer users in the 1980s
Some users found working in front of a computer terminal hard on their eyes
Looking at life through rose-coloured glasses could be the answer to many problems.
For a woman who Midday viewers met in July of 1985, it helped solve headaches she was having at work.
CBC reporter Judy Darling introduced Midday viewers to Monique, a Revenue Canada (now the Canada Revenue Agency) employee who spent four hours a day working on a computer inside an Ottawa office.
"I used to have headaches when I [worked] on it too often for long periods of time," the woman explained. "And now I don't anymore."

Darling said the woman attributed the change to wearing glasses that had a special coating on the lenses that was supposed to be easier on the eyes for glasses-wearing computer users.
The coated lenses were supposed to improve the contrast a computer user would see on the screen. They were also supposed to provide better protection from UV rays.
Darling reported that Monique was among the more than 8,000 people in Ottawa using computers with similar screens at work at that time.