The cabin built by kids and knocked down by the town
Nova Scotia teens didn't see a problem with their project, but their town did in 1989
The plastic-covered shelter and the platform in the trees were just the start.
Things really got serious when a group of teens got to work on a more ambitious structure in the woods in Bible Hill, N.S., near Truro, in 1989.
"Some local kids are building a log house," said reporter Dan Lawson, as the camera captured those kids showing him a square of interlaced logs forming walls at least a metre high.
But the log house and other building experiments were on public land that the village was planning to develop with trails, and near new houses under construction.
"Some grown-ups in Bible Hill say the camps are noisy and dangerous," explained Lawson. "They want them out of town."

Bruce Kennedy acknowledged that the kids were up to something that generations before them had done.
"We were all kids, we've all done those things," said Kennedy. "We want to eliminate any possibility of possible damage to the village or anybody in it."
John MacKinnon, one of the builders, said he didn't see what the problem was.

"There's no houses around here except for the houses that are being built," he said. "There's a cemetery over there so they can't hear very well."
Village officials were going to demolish the log structure in a few weeks, said Lawson.
"It looks like the kids around here are going to have to find their summertime fun somewhere else."